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Tiger Eye
♥ Protection ♥ Clear thinking ♥ Personal empowerment ♥ Integrity ♥ Willpower ♥ Practicality ♥ Grounding ♥ Power ♥ Courage ♥ Grace
Tiger Eye, also known as Tigers Eye, is a variety of Chalcedony.  

Tiger Eye is an 18th Anniversary gemstone.
Chakras - Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra
Zodiac - Capricorn
Planet – Sun 
Element – Fire, Earth
Typical colors - golden-brown, blue, red
A stone of protection, Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer.  It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions.  Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, dispelling fear and anxiety.  Useful for recognizing one’s own needs in relation to the needs of others.  Balancing yin-yang and energising the emotional body. 

Tiger Eye stabilizes mood swings, imbues us with willpower, purpose, courage and self-confidence, and releases tension.

Tiger Eye treats eyes, throat and reproductive organs, releases toxins, alleviates pain and is helpful in repairing broken bones and strengthening the alignment of the spinal column.

Chakras - Base Chakra, Sacral Chakra
Zodiac - Taurus, Sagittarius 
Copper provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and aligns the subtle bodies. It has been used successfully to amplify and to transmit thought. It is said to be a "bestower" of "good", bringing benefit to the user. It is also reported to bring "luck" to persons, especially in the recovery of property.

Copper can conduct electrical impulses and magnify the energy transfer, from the healer or from minerals, to the subject of the healing.
Copper can combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. It stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence.

Copper activates and opens the base and sacral chakras, advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality - directing these energies toward the pursuit of one's path of evolution. It allows one to recognize the barriers which are in the path of one's development.
Copper can be used to stabilize and to balance the flow of blood within the body; helping to increase circulatory functions when necessary. It can be used to cleanse wounds and to fight bacterial infection. It is also useful in the treatment of arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and to stimulate the metabolic processes.

Green Tiger Eye Copper Ring

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