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Blue Lace Agate

♥ Hope ♥ Unity ♥ Cleansing ♥ Harmony ♥ Protection ♥ Optimism ♥ Positive thinking ♥ Joy ♥ Truth ♥ Purification ♥ Promptness ♥ Calming ♥ Appreciation for nature ♥ Smooth energy flow

Blue Lace Agate is a banded Agate variety of Chalcedony.

Chakras - Throat Chakra
Zodiac - Pisces
Planet – Neptune
Element – Water, Air
Typical colors - pale blue, banded

In addition to the generic healing properties of Agate and Chalcedony, the Blue Lace Agate variety is a very cooling and calming stone, endowing us with a sense of peace and tranquility. A powerful throat healer, it assists with verbal expression of thoughts and feelings.

Blue Lace Agate is a great nurturing and supportive stone, neutralizing anger, infection, inflammation and fever.

Blue Lace Agate helps to strengthen and accelerate the repair of bones, thyroid deficiencies, throat and lymph infections. It soothes red, sore eyes and any skin problems associated with redness and irritation.


Chakras - Base Chakra, Sacral Chakra
Zodiac - Taurus, Sagittarius

Copper provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and aligns the subtle bodies. It has been used successfully to amplify and to transmit thought. It is said to be a "bestower" of "good", bringing benefit to the user. It is also reported to bring "luck" to persons, especially in the recovery of property.

Copper can conduct electrical impulses and magnify the energy transfer, from the healer or from minerals, to the subject of the healing.

Copper can combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. It stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence.

Copper activates and opens the base and sacral chakras, advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality - directing these energies toward the pursuit of one's path of evolution. It allows one to recognize the barriers which are in the path of one's development.

Copper can be used to stabilize and to balance the flow of blood within the body; helping to increase circulatory functions when necessary. It can be used to cleanse wounds and to fight bacterial infection. It is also useful in the treatment of arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism, and to stimulate the metabolic processes.

Blue Lace Agate Copper Wrapped Ring

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